Thursday, January 3, 2008

On December 21...

“No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him”- 1 Cor. 2:9

On the plane from Malaysia to Bali- I had somewhat of a rough day; however, I met a girl named Maggie who was traveling with a YWAM group doing various missions-oriented work. After only a few minutes talking with her about my purpose for my trip to Bali, she looked at me, put her hand on my arm and said, “Can I pray for you?”

No words could have sounded any sweeter.

I wanted to cry so hear such a genuinely loving prayer was so encouraging. She had such a calming voice and I felt God with us as the plane took off. Her voice and her words reminded me of those of my sister.

One of the best sounds my ears ever hear is the voice of my sister. My sister, Taryn, is a singer..a songwriter and a devoted musician. Very rarely do I ever tell her how soothing her voice is to me, and, if “home,” could be heard, her voice brings me home.

Maggie’s voice soothed my anxious mind and her voice comforted me.

After we prayed together, Maggie slipped one of those silly little satin masks to shade her eyes from the bright glare of the sterile environment and fell asleep. For the remainder of the flight I sat in my seat, meditating on why it was God was sending me on this journey- and, why he was sending me…alone.

Once again, I found myself lost in the pages of Mr. Chambers’ lyrical genius-
“When I am born again, the Spirit of God takes me beyond myself and my experiences, and identifies me with Jesus Christ…
My experiences are not worth anything unless they keep me at the source of truth-Jesus Christ”

This was probably one of the most adventurous steps of faith I have ever taken. Coming to Thailand, unsure of the where’s, what’s, who’s, and how’s, was one thing; however, alone with a backpack, a plane ticket and a plan to meet 70 orphans in Indonesia on my own seemed completely out of my league.

I was flattered by the opportunity because God obviously knew it was just the right thing. This trip would come to be the greatest where, what, who, and how I’ve ever experienced and it’s all because of faith.

Chambers continued:
“ relentless and hard on yourself if you are in the habit of talking about the experiences you have had. Faith based on experience is not faith; faith based on God’s revealed truth is the only faith there is”.

My aim is not just to share my experiences with you, but rather convey to you somewhat of the enormity of God’s ever-revealing truths to me throughout my journeys, where I have undoubtedly felt, seen, and heard Him in my life.


snowskcone said...

Today my devotion was from the book of Mark...."Everything is possible for him who believes".....
Meeting another Christian on a plane, who asks to pray with you....10,000 miles away from 'home'....God is with you.
I love you.
Everything IS possible.

Unknown said...

great blog, keep it up! When are you coming back?

:: TheRealEricE :: said...

That was a terrific flight! what a gr8 holiday!

ScottHofert said...

ok, now i'm crying