Wednesday, August 29, 2007

oh, happy day

hi friends.
good news- I'M GETTING PAID THIS WEEK! (clapping.)

(more clapping. hollar. more hollaring.clap. clap).

Yes, I am very excited about this payday. You see, I've heard of the concept- that is, the concept of getting paid for completed work; however, my needy little bank account has yet to actually experience the bliss of automatically deposited baht. Oh, what joy this Friday will bring! Joy, I tell you! Joy! And if not pure joy, then pure convenience and pure freedom. The convenience to take advantage of other means of transportation besides by blistered, rather swollen size 8's, and the freedom to splurge and buy myself a dinner priced at over a dollar.

Mike, Sarah and I plan on joining a few fellow paupers in running out of our classrooms on Friday, rolling in our baht while dancing in the middle of the streets screaming "WE'RE NOT POOR ANYMORE!" After this, we're going to hit up this amazing restaurant we've never been able to afford while being here, priced at 180/baht per meal (we spend 30/baht for dinner every night). This restaurant was something Mike and I accidentally found on our late night excursion through the Old City area of Bangkok. Basically, it's this real "emo" (as Mike says) coffee shop/restaurant that serves the widest variety of food we've seen yet (compared to the rice and noodles that suffocate our lives). The menu ranges from pork chops/baked potatoes, and waffles and pancakes, to fish and chips, and specialty coffees. Our path will then lead to the mall where I'll attempt to find some pants that fit my very American butt. This task, I do realize, may never actually be accomplished as every piece of clothing here appears to be sized starting at zero and working deep down into double-digit negatives.

Until then, it's school time! Classes are going well, and I'm in the process of making up my first tests! eek! My students have named me the "fun teacher," which I actually think is middle school code for "she's a joke of a teacher, way too easy, and I don't have to study for her class". Well, may the Lord be with them while they battle their way through my exams. I know that I always used the first test to gauge how hard the teacher was, and Lord willing, these students will see that I might be "fun," but that I most certainly don't take the quality of their education as a joke. 8th grade awarded me this morning with the compliment of "Ms. Lauren, you're the teacher that interacts with us the most..." Now, that's a superlative that I don't mind identifying myself as.

Back to making up the tests... oh, bother.

Monday, August 20, 2007

votes for the little Asian cavemen

hooray! national holiday!

though far from Thai, today, my inner Thainess is rejoicing that there's no school all thanks to the fact that today the Thai's vote on whether or not they're going to accept the newly written constitution or not. Government savvy? I'm anything but-
BUT, Mike says "the new constitution is a bit less democratic which at first sounded like a really. Allowing the government to have more of a say in anything seems like a bad idea; BUT, it's a good constitution.... i'd say go for it."
so, umm... there's the news.

back to life-
so, here i sit in an internet cafe as the ONLY person actually using the Internet for anything "useful". Embarassingly enough, no- facebook is not necessarily "useful"..BUT, I am using it as a portal to communicate with all those back the great US.

So, I apologize for the lack of new blog entries for all of you who so faithfully read this scripted nonsense I post. However, if my business degree is worth anything..the laws of supply and demand tell me that the less i write, the more YOU will want to read.
so, sorry.. business first ;) heh.
(this also being a lame excuse for my laziness and recent lack of clever wording and ability to post anything of worth). Though teaching English I do believe there's been some sort of opposite impact, whereas the Asian choppy English/grammar skills are influencing me more than my proper execution of the English language is influencing them. I find myself looking for shortcuts around the English language.. cutting well-needed words such as "the" and "I" out of spoken sentences.
I believe this Asian English could also be called:..... caveman.
yes, little Asian cavemen... "teacher, go to store, get book need for school".

okay. sure.
i'll go to store, get book..and then, teacher make fire.

speaking of fire, since the day school started my classroom has been filled with smokey residue and ash floating throughout the air. why? well... just so happens (like in Virginia,) when there's stuff around that no one wants- BURN IT!
Though in VA it's usually piles of leaves (or maybe, that was just on MaryAnn Dr.) but here, it's piles of desks, chairs and books. What a lovely playground backdrop.
We're out on the field playing "American football" (they think i'm really good. haha!) and off to the side of a mountain of old school supplies and furniture on fire! I remember that recess would be cancelled if there was a slight chance of rain- and here, they're creating forest fires and still the kids just run around it!

so... friday night there was yet another long journey. the single kids: mike, myself, sarah and jen, decided that a five day week of babysitting and correcting papers wasn't enough to tire us out- so, we went walking through the city looking for adventure. we met a man on the sidewalk when we had our faces buried in a map of lies (the American tourist map for Bangkok. DON'T BUY IT,) and he told us this tale of a grand fireworks display in honor of mother's day (which in Thailand is actually mother's month).. so, we took every means of transportation to find this firey wonder. after the taxi was the subway. after the subway, the tuk-tuk (the glorified speedy little golf cart complete with decorations and open sides).
walking. walking. a little more walking. a blister on my foot. walk. another blister.

walk walk walk walk walk walk.

no fireworks.

we've found what when asking directions, or, any question really, the common answer of thai's ends with whatever you want to hear-
We asked for directions to fireworks..and here's how the converstaion went:
S= silly Americans asking a Thai for directions
T= them. the thai's.

S: "excuse me, are there or aren't there fireworks around here tonight?"
T: "no."
S: "there aren't?"
T: "no. there are".
S: "there are! great? where?"
T: "nowhere".
S: "what? I thought they were around here..?"
T: "yes! yes, they are! they're ALL night long!"
S: "wow! all night?!"
T: "umm... they were at 10 o'clock"
S: "oh, so..we're too late.." (it was 11pm)
T: "no. 1 am. they're at 1 am, but not here"
S: "okay. 1 am. not here. where are they?" (showed them the map)
they pointed to a place. we foolishly followed the directed path.

needless to say- no fireworks. none at all.
and why? well.. the next thai we met said they were "last night. last night at 9.." (showed them the map)"..over there".

yea yea yea. i bet. i bet there were fireworks over there, at 9..
i think those might have been the new color of fireworks..: INVISIBLE!

Anyway, while walking through the city we went through Chinatown. Chinatown is basically just a big temple surrounded by many places to eat meat on a stick.
I've seen so many temples since I've been here. All I keep thinking when I pass these temples and see people offering overflowing baskets of gifts- flowers, food and they pray ALL the time- such dedication, ritual and routine..and still SO LOST.
So lost that they either cover their heads or uncover their feet to visit these so-called "gods". So much worship. So much lost, aimless worship. I stand with my camera in hand snapping a picture when possible, and everytime I do I'm lost at how dedicated these people are to these idols.. their gods..their gods of nothing.
the god of fertility? of passion? of peace? healing? And their faith?
I keep thinking, what good is faith apart from God? What good is faith in SOMETHING and not someone? something. some. thing. a thing that cannot give peace. a thing that cannot give rest.. these things that cannot give salvation.

Instead of neglecting their blind pursuits in disgust.. I am challenged. I believe and trust in the ONLY GOD..and ONLY Creator and ONLY Savior- and yet, here I am.
I pray when I feel like praying. I read His word when I "have the time" to. My faith is so dependent on convenience, and yet, these people blinded by golden idols are so inconvenienced by their religion. Praying several times a day, offering everything to something that will never give in return...
where is my spiritual offering? where are my buckets, my gifts and my flowers? where is my never-ceasing prayer? WHERE IS MY FAITH?

Though their faith is blind, their faith is strong.
strong in nothing.

My faith is rooted in grace and salvation through Jesus Christ.. and yet, at times, my life is just as much a blinded maze as theirs. An endless maze when it is I who puts on the blindfold to lead the way...

Monday, August 13, 2007

hello, my name is....

Ms. Lauren.

And now, I'm officially a teacher. After a small initiation ceremony and the completion of a four day lesson-planning session I'm apparently ready to go (i think). Can you feel my sense of doubt?
I must admit my doubt is such a strong competitor against my will. I've had a mountain of books dropped in front of me on a desk full of objects foreign to my everyday use-and now I must teach. i MUST teach, and teach well. i MUST TEACH WELL is what i keep circling throughout my clouded mind. hazed by uncertainties and unfamiliar routine, i will teach..and i will teach well.

in a blatent confession I must share with you that I have never had a desire to teach. ever. EVER. while the dizzy dance of college awarded my well-studied efforts with a business degree, i never imagined that my corporate tower would be built of construction paper and "super!" stickers rather than steel beams and tinted glass panels. vulnerably stepping out on a limb here- i don't really want to teach..still. my mother calls out: "Lauren, I don't understand you. Are you going to Thailand because you don't have anything else to do? travel?... It makes no sense. You never had an interest in teaching..."

She's right. I never did have an interest in teaching. I still don't. I'll admit this proudly..because it's the truth. As an easily overwhelmed human (aka: a woman,) teaching seems to be the most stressful, time-consuming, exhausting, aggravating migrane I could ever encounter. If given the choice of a line-up of jobs, teaching would probably be my LAST choice. So last, that it'd be the last of the last. double last. super last. ULTIMATELY last.

I realized this past week that this is exactly why I'm here. I'm here in Bangkok because I didn't want to come and teach.

It makes no sense to me whatsoever that in less than two months I was hired, had completed the paperwork (the pages and pages of paperwork,) had various forms of employment to pay for the trip and still had time to create the most amazing memoir of laughs and cries with those I love before departing sweet, sweet America.

oh, America.

Of course, the idea of traveling to southeast Asia, integrating my American self into all that is foreign and the opportunitiy for 5 dollar massages was attractive- so, why not go to Thailand? Though these ideas of pampered pleasures are enough to wet my travel appetite- they're not great enough to make me want to leave my ridiculously pregnant sister, beautiful nephew, loving parents, comfort and sense of home.

oh, home.

nothing is greater than what brought me here to Bangkok... and this- this, is why I'm here::


though the doubting words of my mother (sorry, mom) were at times partially convincing..words weighted heavy, carrying the message that I had an absurd idea to come half way across the world just to figure myself out and that I was commiting to a form of employment I've never been passionate about. Her words tickling my naturally indecisive nature.. "until you step on that plane, it's never to late to just stay here [charlotte]," she'd say.

oh, charlotte.

i WANTED to stay. oh, how i wanted to stay. I WANT to sit on my sister's porch tomorrow, grass-stained knees tucked under the table of gifts and cake- intently watching colsen celebrate life. I WANT to come...I WANT to go...I WANT to come and go as i please (in my OWN car).. I WANT to comfortably cross my feet on the weathered coffee table next to my favorite size 5's and watch reruns of The Office. Seven numbers. I WANT to dial only seven numbers on the phone and hear the sweet sound of a familiar voice on the other end, and oh..oh, how I WANT the sterile glare of florescent bulbs as i wait in anticipation for God to bring my new nephew into my life... I WANT all these things. who wouldn't?

oh, who wouldn't.

but, finally. I gave in. I give in.
The words of a daily friend, Oswald Chambers echo through my head: "the only right we have, is the right to ourselves..." and "We must give up the right to ourselves to Him completely in order to be completely His. We must understand and be living like we are no longer our own. We must allow our lives to be completely at His disposal".

the things I WANT are finally being replaced by the things HE WANTS.
Though difficult, I am flattered that God wants ME to be here doing all of this...
all of this that HE WANTS.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

la dee daa...

hi friends. hi family. hello, blog.
seems as though i've been dodging this white screen and blinking cursor, attempting to avoid remembering the things I've done thus far and recording them here for you.
for those of you who have been so anxiously awaiting these miraculous words of wisdom and life experience from me, i apologize. i apologize not for the wait, but for your lack of patience as the art of patience is the first character trait one must master in order to survive in Thailand.

Let this be your first lesson. ;)

All kidding aside, it's been great thus far. I've been assigned the homeroom teacher for grade 5 and so i can decorate the grade 5 room as "my own". I finished decorating and organizing things today and tomorrow I will spend the rest of the day organizing my lesson plans. (ugh). At this very moment I would like to personally honor all of the following::

Ms. June- for letting me play with shaving cream
Mrs. Oscarson- for reading Spot books
Mrs. Katcherowski (i never could spell your name)- for her patience with me
Mrs. Meisenzahl- for giving me my first after school detention (instilling fear)
Mrs. Golet- for giving me my second detention. and third. and fourth. and so on.
Mrs. Gorman- for having the coolest laugh, EVER.
Mrs. O'Malley- for being the sweetest being on the face of this earth.
Mr. Sczymkowitz- for being a "FUN-GI". hah.
Mrs. Booth- for expecting a lot from me.
Mr. Hyland- you're an inspiration and i admire your love for God and your family (AND, I have quotes you shared with us hanging in my classroom: "the most important thought that you will ever think, is what you think, when you think about God because it will determine every other aspect of your existence")
Miss Marks- for being a friend to me my first year of high school
Mrs. Velaustagui- for giving me a hard time while always pushing me to achieve more..i miss you!
Mrs. Stewart- for your dedication and hard work in everything (and giving me a passing grade in chemistry..)
Mrs. Potter- for your strength and teaching me that cat veins and arteries really can be cool
Professor Marybeth Davis: for deepening my love for literature (and for thoroughly assessing literary works..)AND for the encouraging little comments you'd always write on my papers
Professor George Young: you're the man. thank you for EVERYTHING YOU DO...
Professor Paul Young: for your friendship and conern for your students' future
Professor Edward Edmond: for being so critical of artwork and determined to mold great artists
Professor Timothy Van Voorhis: for somehow tricking me in to really loving Statistics.
Professor Edward Moore: for "WHY WHY WHY"-ing me to death and challenging me more than I've ever been challenged by picking my brain until it almost bled business sense.

These are all the teachers I believe have greatly influenced my life since preschool. If I've forgotten someone...I really do apologize.
So, back to business here. Ah, all of them- THANK YOU. And why? Because teaching seems to be the most time-consuming, exhausting process EVER..and somehow they all managed to do this job well (even with me, the "disruptive, doesn't listen and follow directions" girl).

My classroom has a nature theme..I've drawn tree branches, suns, moons, the sea- anything i could do to fill up bulletin boards. I've done all i could to avoid resulting to the "shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" deal. I've put up several quotes around the room and plan on addressing them during english lectures... words of wisdom from John Piper, the Bible and pastor Jon Dupin from Brentwood Church in Lynchburg, VA. I figure these kids could actually use some practical advice rather than advice everyone seems to be fed in classrooms these days.

it's weird to be the one with the "teacher's desk". i remember how off-limits this area always was growing up. it's never like i really was that interested in what liquid was floating around in the Big Gulp plastic mug, or what type of crackers were stored in the bottom drawer for secret teacher snacktime... i just wanted to touch things on the desk because i wasn't supposed to... i just wanted to stick my hands in the top drawers and mess up all the pens and pencils collecting the spare change that somehow found it's way into the rubber band collection and go buy myself a coke in the forbidden teacher's lounge. what were they doing in there? what was lounging?
can i lounge now? ....will there be coke?

such curosity i have.

..apparently i'm also part yoda.

honestly, i've been thinking of everything i could do until 3:30 when i get to leave this library, and well...the time is here. i believe i'm going to unstick my thighs from this vinyl chair and go find myself a cold drink.

first, i'll check the teacher's lounge.
maybe they give out free money there, too.

Friday, August 3, 2007

backpacks and afterschool snacks.

after being here in the sweaty city for almost 2 weeks I have finally been assigned what classes I am going to teach: (AND, I was assigned exactly what I had requested.)

My schedule is as follows:

English: grades 5,8,9
Art: grades 3-9
Computers: 5-6 (everyone has to teach a computer class..)

Also, I will be an advisor for the performing arts club (we combined choir and drama into one club and clubs will meet once a week.

So, my classroom is actually being painted right now (I'm the homeroom teacher for grade 5) with duties that include checking homework/attendance etc. The grade 5 classroom is "my" classroom and I can decorate/arrange it as I please. The subjects that I teach for grade 5 are English and Art, so I will instruct those classes in my classroom, and then change classrooms for the other grades that I teach.
We are supposed to make up a list of supplies that we would like the school to purchase for us to use during the first quarter..this should be a trip! I'm trying to think of things my elementary school teachers did that I liked so I can try and do the same things. I was always the girl in class thinking "oh, he/she should have done this...or, I can't stand this story! We should have read this.." yadda yadda yadda. So, all I'm going to be doing this weekend is thinking of the should haves and shouldn't haves and trying to compile some sort of teaching ideas.

Also, it seems that I've been chosen to participate in Sunday morning worship here for the English service. I'll be playing guitar and singing (with Pastor Mike from the Phillipines)... I was very hesitant at first as the only place I really like to sing/play is in a really nice, echoing bathroom/tub...but Pastor Mike said in his broken English: "what? if you have talent, you must be talented for God. You be talents for God?"
So, Yes Pastor Mike. I be talents for God.

Between Sunday morning/weds. night worship, club leader and teacher of 3 different subjects I think I'm going to be rather busy here...

So, update (I'm trying to make this quick because my legs are sweaty and sticking to the leather on this chair..eww).. Last night I took the adventure of a lifetime. I went with my friend Mike to Tesco/Lotus (a walmart/target like store) because he needed to get some, we were going to take a taxi until MIke said "no! the motorcycles! they're cheaper!".
"cheaper, you say?" I replied.."I'm in."

These motorcycles weave in and out of rush hour traffic and have nowhere to hold onto..most of the women sit side-saddle (in this case, I wasn't about to be lady like for the sake of my life) i hopped on one motorcycle and mike on another. we're not supposed to hold onto the driver, just sit on our hands and balance or hold on to the bottom of our seats when we go fast.
i think i peed my pants a little.

AND, they over charged us. it was probably the scariest ride i've ever been on (busch gardens has got nothin' on that ride..).

needless to say-
i'll definitely be doing that again.
(sorry, mom).

so, that's all for now.
one more hour and then i get to go back to the apartment and stop sweating for awhile. I believe I'm going to some bizzare tonight (a market with street vendors, etc.) but, we'll see. so...until whenever i get to use internet again-

all my love.